Even though there's a lot of sources in the internet which are not credible for the students to find an information, but sometimes they actually can find the good articles or reliable information s from the e-journals or group discussion forum on the internet. in my opinion, by picking up the information from the e-journals, we can state the facts about the information that are related to my assignments. we know that in journals, there are include of author which are responsible for communicate their ideas through the journals. If the articles have the author, that is means the information in that article are credible.
Sometimes whenever we need to find the articles that we need, we have to purchase which means that we need to pay in order to get it. But before we are paying off to get the article we actually have to investigate about the author. As for me, before i am purchasing some article, i will find out about the author first and then i will read all the information in that article or the description about those articles. If there is a lot of non-reliable information in the article i will not purchase it or else i will find the other articles. So, one of the way to know the articles is good or not we must see whether there is included of author or not. if those author are familiar in writing the journal before, we can purchase it. In a nutshell, I think that it is more safer for us as a students to find the information through the e-journal or group discussion rather than other sources.
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